Publication: Parallelized computational 3D video microscopy of freely moving organisms at multiple gigapixels per second

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Mar 21, 2023
1 min read

We are thrilled to announce the publication of exciting new research using Ramona’s Multi-Camera Array Microscope (MCAM) technology in Nature Photonics.

This paper discusses the existing challenges of imaging freely-moving small model organisms, such as zebrafish and fruit flies, across multiple spatial scales, and explores how Ramona’s MCAM technology can be used to overcome current limitations by capturing high-speed 3D topographic videos over a large area.

Still image taken from 230-fps, 9.1-MP video of freely swimming zebrafish larvae (10 dpf) feeding on floating AP100 food particles. The left panel is the photometric composite and the right panel is the 3D height map.

Congratulations to lead author, Dr. Kevin Zhou, our other collaborators at Duke’s Computational Optics Lab, and everyone else involved.


Publication: Parallelized computational 3D video microscopy of freely moving organisms at multiple gigapixels per second

We are thrilled to announce the publication of exciting new research using Ramona’s Multi-Camera Array Microscope (MCAM) technology in Nature Photonics.

We are thrilled to announce the publication of exciting new research using Ramona’s Multi-Camera Array Microscope (MCAM) technology in Nature Photonics.

This paper discusses the existing challenges of imaging freely-moving small model organisms, such as zebrafish and fruit flies, across multiple spatial scales, and explores how Ramona’s MCAM technology can be used to overcome current limitations by capturing high-speed 3D topographic videos over a large area.

Still image taken from 230-fps, 9.1-MP video of freely swimming zebrafish larvae (10 dpf) feeding on floating AP100 food particles. The left panel is the photometric composite and the right panel is the 3D height map.

Congratulations to lead author, Dr. Kevin Zhou, our other collaborators at Duke’s Computational Optics Lab, and everyone else involved.


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